In case of a dispute following a purchase with a merchant using PayPlug, please try to contact him so that you can find a friendly resolution. The seller contact informations can usually be found in the sections "contact" or "legal notices" at the bottom of the home page of the site.
If you can't reach a friendly resolution with the merchant or if you get no response while trying to get in touch, we advise that you try a few more times, in case the seller didn't get your first message or simply left a few days for vacation. If the seller is in European Union, you can find some help on the Online Dispute Resolution website or the European Consumer Centre France website.
PayPlug won't be able to provide any data or update about your order as we are just a payment processor. Moreover we can't set up any dispute process. Only the requests coming from the relevant authorities following a claim will be processed.
Nevertheless, do not hesitate to notify us about a merchant with whom you are having a serious dispute so that we might investigate on our side. (Report a merchant)