When you are using one of our e-commerce plugins, or when you have made a technical integration (except payment requests or payment buttons), everytime a payment is done or refunded Payplug is sending instantaneously a notification to the merchant's website server, to the indicated address (ipn_url or ipnUrl according to the integration realized).
This notification is called IPN for "Instant Payment Notification" and brings the relevant customer's payment information (amount, transaction ID, customer's email address etc.).
This allows you to update your orders status in your merchant back-office.
Please note that if you are using one of our E-commerce plugins (PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Wizishop), everything is dealt with automatically (ipn_url and automatic status updates).
The IPN is sent under a .json subject through a POST request sent by PayPlug.
If you encounter problems linked to IPNs, please look at the following article.