If you want to know which amount you can transfer to your bank account, please go to the "Transfers" menu.
What is your balance detail?
Account Balance
Transaction fees
Chargeback fees
Amount available
To know
To go further
What is your balance detail?
The field “available for transfer” is the part of your balance that you can transfer to your bank account.
Under the line "Balance", the available amount displays the part of your balancen updated in real time, that you can transfer to your bank account.
If the amount is different from your banlance's, you can click on "xx€ available" in order to have more information.
A popup opens and displays the following information.
The various elements of the "Balance details" pop-up, are listed below.
Account Balance
This field displays the total amount, meaning, it takes into account your sales amount, the transfers and refunds. The transaction fees taken by PayPlug are not deducted from that amount.
Transaction fees
This section displays the fees and tax that are put on hold on your PayPlug balance.
These fees are hold per transaction, then debited from your balance the first day of the following month.
You can see these fees details from your PayPlug portal, either by calendar month or in real time. (more information).
The PayPlug fees are indicated tax excluded. Since April 2017, PayPLug applies the tax on all its fees. The tax amount appliable on all your transaction is displayed here.
Chargeback fees
This section is displayed only if you receive a chargeback from one of your buyers.
(More information)
Depending on your activity, PayPlug may set up a reserve from your balance.
The reserve is a portion of your balance that is put on hold and can be transferred to your bank account only after a given period.
The goal is to guarantee some possible chargebacks and needs for refunds that can occur after a purchase. It is calculated depending on the risk profile of your company and the business sector history.
PayPlug may set up a reserve on your account in the following situations (non exhaustive list):
your shipping time is excessive or recently worsened,
you received fraudulent payments or chargebacks
you are a dropshipper
Amount available
This is the amount available to be transfered or to refund. This amount is often inferior to the balance. Indeed, it includes elements such as PayPlug fees, tax, waiting transfers, montly fixed fees, reserve.
To know
The pop-up “Balance Detail du solde” is only available if the available amount for transfer is different from the total amount of your account.
The different lines of your balance are only displayed if the amount is different from zero.